We believe backend development framework should be 100% free to use for everyone.
Very useful to small businesses and students who cannot afford paid software.
Because it is free, our marketing efforts will be very much less, and we can easily spread it over developer community.
We are generating revenue by providing support to enterprises.
Yes, That guarantee is indirectly given by Microsoft & Facebook & Docker.
API Maker is distributed to its users via NPM & Yarn package managers and once we publish any package in NPM, it will stay in NPM forever. can not remove it from NPM even if we want.
NPM is acquired by GitHub in 2020 and GitHub is acquired by Microsoft.
Yarn is Node.js package manager from Facebook.
We do not want any modifications or distributions of API Maker other than company itself, so it will protect the intellectual property rights of API Maker.
Because the source code is not publicly available and therefore less exposed to potential attackers.
We are generating revenue by providing support to enterprises.
No. API Maker is 100% free.
Other than generated APIs & it’s feature, it is just pure JavaScript, so any JS developer can work on it.
We have done lots of documentation.
We have tutorial videos.
You will install it on your local/servers, so you will have full control over it.
Yes, we are distributing API Maker versions using NPM, and once you publish on NPM you can not remove it from NPM.
Our business model is to gain profit from supporting to enterprises.
API Maker backend solution will remain free indefinitely.
Yes, you can connect any database you want and work easily with it as you can do in Node.js.
You can add any NPM package support and use it in custom APIs.
API Maker gives you tons of features, but it also provides you low level features, so you can extend its capabilities.
Using native SQL query feature, you can run any complex SQL query over database. You can also execute procedures created inside DBMS.
You can override default Docker file, and you can use any OS or any OS packages or any program that is built in any other programming languages.
Generated & created APIs, you can consume from any other backend technology also, so you can keep your legacy code running and slowly migrate on API Maker.
API Maker can not do video and audio streaming.
Things which you should not develop in Node.js, should also not develop in API Maker.
Work around: You can keep that module separate with your API Maker backend, and they can easily communicate with each other.
You can buy support plans, you will get priority support and bug fixing of API Maker and upgrade guide and help from our side in every step you need.
Technically you have API Maker code when you install it from NPM, it is just bundled & obfuscated.
And technically you don’t need API Maker’s code also, because API Maker is just set of auto generated APIs, all other code and configurations will be done by you only.
We can not provide original source code of API Maker, but you will get all the code and configurations you will build on top of it via git commit.
We are improving API Maker and providing bug fixing and upgrades.
You can purchase our support plans and support our work to continue doing it, and you will get best support from our side also.
API Maker is distributed with public via NPM and once you push in NPM, it can never be removed. NPM provides that trust.