Features Access Management Of APIs

Access Management

API Maker has an effective permission model for API access

Fastest API development tool

Auto generation of APIs for MongoDB database

Auto generation of APIs for MySQL database

Auto generation of APIs for MariaDB database

Auto generation of APIs for PostgreSQL database

Auto generation of APIs for Oracle database

Auto generation of APIs for SQL Server database

Auto generation of APIs for TiDB

Auto generation of APIs for Percona XtraDB

Auto generation of APIs for Redis database

API Maker is the best tool for automatic API generation

Fastest API generation for databases

Superfast APIs automatically generated by API Maker

SAVA Info System Private Limited : ISO 9001 Certified Company

API Maker® Developed by SAVA - ISO 9001 Certified Company

Access Management

  • Field level Permission:- For auto-generate database APIs, assign permissions to the group, not only API level but up to the field level.
  • Set permission to the group to run the system, custom, and third-party APIs.
  • API Maker admin can create multiple groups with a set of different permissions.
  • Assign multiple groups to a user.
  • Set permission for System APIs, auto-generated APIs, Custom APIs, and Third-party APIs.
  • Admin of API Maker can set instances, databases, collections, supported APIs, and schema fields level permissions for auto-generate APIs.
  • In Third-party APIs, admin can set permission for specific APIs of particular versions of the API bundle.
  • If the API Maker admin changes any permission, in the next request it will be applied. No need to restart the project if any changes happen in permission.