New era of backend begins...
API Maker Features
We can quickly write & test custom APIs to handle complex business scenarios.
In Azure Functions and AWS Lambda
We need to
Validate user inputs of request body and request parameters and return a validation error message in proper format and user language.
Manage database and Redis connectivity manually.
Reset Redis cache on data changes manually.
Write websocket related notifications code manually.
Convert to YAML/XML manually.
Return code error message in user language.
Need to publish every time on change. Need to use command line tools.
Need to pay based on some request count.
Need to provide memory size in advance and use limited memory, because there are memory limitations.
Need to think about computation, because there are computing time limitations.
Need to maintain YAML/JSON configuration file.
In API Maker Custom API
Just write your business logic-related code and other things will be handled by API Maker automatically.
Use auto generated APIs, events, utility classes, and system APIs and write business logic in it.
Download & upload, huge & multiple files using custom APIs.
Share custom APIs with others with proper authentication.
Leverage automatic caching functionality in custom APIs.
Manage [Create, Remove, Activate] API version in a single click.
Add multiple pre and post-hooks for APIs.
Automatic query string and request body validation with internationalization error massage support.
Insert predefined code samples in one click.
Beautiful error stack trace in response, error highlighted on a specific line.
Get real-time logs of custom APIs code.
Generate class or interface based on APIs response in single click for 20+ programming languages.
Custom APIs can be good alternative of AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Edge Functions.
In Custom APIs, need to write less code compare to AWS Lambda, Azure Functions and Edge Functions, because of inbuilt system APIs.
Powerful Auto Generated APIs
8 Database support out of the box
Custom APIs Development
Third Party APIs
Inbuilt System APIs
Events Management
Secrets Management
Single sign On For Organization
Secure Sandbox
Inbuilt Testing Framework
Automatic Caching In APIs
API Logging
Database Migrations
Git Pull Is Deployment
Developer Accounts
JSON/YAML/XML Output Support
Low Memory Footprint
Access Management Of APIs
API Maker®. All rights reserved 2025
Developed by : SAVA - ISO 9001 Certified Company